8.4: Trigonometric Identities


8.4.1 Fundamental identities:

We have learnt in Section 8.1 the ratios for sin, cos and tan of angles.



Opposite  Side /Hypotenuse

PQ/OP; Cosec =1/sin; OP/PQ









Adjacent  Side /Hypotenuse

OQ/OP; sec = 1/cos; OP/OQ


Opposite  Side /Adjacent  Side

=  sin/ cos

PQ/OQ; cot = 1/tan;OQ/PQ

By Pythagoras theorem we know that PQ2 + OQ2 = OP2   -----ŕ(1)

 PQ2/OP2 + OQ2/OP2 = 1(By dividing both sides of equation (1) by OP2)

(PQ/OP)2 + (OQ/OP)2 = 1 (sin)2 + (cos)2 = 1    sin2 + cos2 = 1      ----------(I)

By dividing both sides of equation (1) by OQ2 we get

PQ2/OQ2 + 1 = OP2/OQ2 (PQ/OQ)2 + 1 = (OP/OQ)2

1 + (tan)2 = (sec)2                                                  tan2 + 1 = sec2      ----------(II)

By dividing both sides of equation (1) by PQ2 we get

1 +OQ2/PQ2 = OP2/PQ2  1 + (OQ/PQ)2 = (OP/PQ)2

1 + (cot)2 = (cosec)2                                     1 + cot2 = cosec2    ---------(III)

The equations (I), (II) and (III) are called ‘Fundamental identities’.

From the first fundamental identity we can also arrive at the following:

  1. sin2= 1-cos2  sin = (1-cos2)
  2. cos2= 1-sin2  cos = (1- sin2)

Since sinand  cos are positive when  is acute,

sin = +(1-cos2)

cos = +(1-sin2)

From the other two fundamental identities we can arrive at the following:

  1. tan = +(sec2-1),
  2. sec = +(1+tan2),
  3. cot = +(cosec2-1),
  4. cosec = +(1+cot2)
  5. tan = sin/ cos = sin/ +(1-sin2)







































In summary we have the following relationships between various standard trigonometric ratios.

Note: All these relationships can be derived by using just sin2+cos2=1.


The Fundamental identities are useful for simplifying various trigonometric expressions.


8.4 Problem 1: If  (1+x2)*sin = x prove that sin2/ cos2 + cos2/ sin2 = x2 + 1/x2



It is given that

 (1+x2)*sin = x

 sin = x/ (1+x2)

 sin2 = x2/(1+x2) (By squaring both sides)--------(1)

But sin2+cos2=1 (Fundamental identity)

 cos2 = 1 - sin2 (By transposition)

= 1 - x2/(1+x2) (By substitution)

= (1+x2 - x2)/(1+x2)

= 1/(1+x2)                            ----------(2)

From (1) and (2)

sin2/cos2 =

{x2/(1+x2)}/{1/(1+x2)} = x2  -----------(3)

Similarly, cos2/sin2 = 1/x2           -----------(4)

From (3) and (4)

sin2/cos2 + cos2/sin2 = x2 + 1/x2


8.4 Problem 2: prove that sin6+cos6=1-3*sin2.cos2



Let x = sin2 and y = cos2

Since sin2+cos2=1. It follows that x+y = 1

Note LHS of the given equation is of the form x3+y3

We also know the identity x3+y3 = (x+y)3-3xy(x+y) = 1-3xy(x+y =1)

= 1 – 3*sin2.cos2( By substituting values for x and y)


8.4 Problem 3: Prove that tanA/(secA-1)+tanA/(secA+1) = 2cosecA



LHS LHS = tanA{(secA+1)+(secA-1)}/(sec2A-1) (By taking out tanA as common factor and having (secA+1)*(secA-1) as common denominator)

= 2tanA.secA/tan2A (sec2-1 = tan2)

= 2secA/tanA (canceling of tanA)

= 2secA*cosA/sinA (tanA = sinA/cosA)

= 2/sinA (cosA = 1/secA)

= 2cosecA


8.4.2 Trigonometric ratios of complimentary angles:

In a right angled triangle, if  is one angle then the other angle has to be 900-(sum of all angles in a triangle is 1800).


In the adjacent figure, QOP =  hence QPO = 900-

If we consider QOP then

sin = PQ/OP    ----ŕ(1)

cos = OQ/OP   ----ŕ(2)

tan = PQ/OQ   ----ŕ(3)

If we consider QPO then

cos(900-) = PQ/OP    --ŕ (4)

sin(900-) = OQ/OP    ---ŕ(5)

cot(900-) = PQ/OQ  ---ŕ(6)

By comparing (1), (2) and (3) with (4), (5) and (6) respectively and then by comparing their inverses, we note that



sin = cos(900-)


cos = sin(900-)


tan= cot(900-)


cosec = sec(900-)


sec = cosec(900-)


cot= tan(900-)










8.4 Problem 4: Evaluate 3sin620/cos280 - sec420/cosec480



Note that 28 = 90-62 and 48 = 90-42

cos(28) = cos(90-62) = sin62

cosec(48) = cosec(90-42) = sec(42)

3sin620/cos280 - sec420/cosec480

= 3sin620/sin620 - sec420/sec420

= 3-1 = 2


8.4 Problem 5: If sec4A=Cosec(A-200), Where 4A is acute angle, Find the value of A.



Since we are familiar with sin and cos more than Sec, let us convert the problem as follows by taking reciprocals

1/ sec4A = 1/ Cosec(A-200)

Ie,  cos4A= sin(A-200)

sin(90-4A)= sin(A-200) ( since 4A is acute, it is less than 900. Hence we can use cos = sin(900-)

90-4A= A-200

 Ie, 90+20= A+4A

110= 5A

A= 220



8.4. Summary of learning




Points studied


sin2+cos2=1,tan2 + 1 = sec2,1 + cot2 = cosec2


Trigonometric ratios of complimentary angles