1.9 Permutations and
Problem :
A team has 10 players. Only six can fit into one photo frame. Manager has to be
in each of the photo session. A photographer was asked to give an estimate for all
the different combinations of photos. A photo with frame costs Rs.22. Find out
the estimate given by photographer to the Manager.
Problem :
In a hexagon how many triangles can be formed?
Is it not
interesting to solve the above problems?
We have learnt that the sum
of 1st ‘n’ natural numbers is given by
= 1+2+3+4
…..+n =
What if we multiply these
natural numbers instead of adding them?
1*2*3 =6
1*2*3*4 = 24…
We use the notation n!(
called ‘n factorial’) to denote the product of ‘n; consecutive natural number from 1.
What do we observe?
1! =1
4! =1*2*3*4 = 24= 4*3!
= n*(n-1)*(n-2)*(n-3)*…………3*2*1=n*(n-1)!
= n*(n-1)! Or n =
1.9.1 Example1 :
Let A , B and C be students of your class . You are
asked to arrange them in rows as follows:
1. with rows of 2 students
2. with rows of 3 students
How many arrangements can
you make in each of the case?
Working: Arrange 2
rows with two
students in each row
us ask A to stand first. We are left with B and C. We can ask B or C to stand
behind A ( so we have 2 arrangements AB and AC)
us ask B to stand first. We are left with A and C. We can will ask A or C to stand behind B (so
we have 2 arrangements BA and BC)
us ask C to stand first. We are left with A and B. We can ask A or B to stand behind C (so we
have 2 arrangements CA and CB)
I position |
A |
B |
C |
position |
B |
C |
A |
C |
A |
B |
In all we have 6(=3*2) ways
of arrangements: (AB, AC), (BA, BC), (CA, CB) Arrange 3
rows with 3
students in each row:
us ask A to stand first. We are left with B and C. We can ask B or C to stand behind
A( so we have 2 arrangements ABC and ACB)
let us ask B to stand first. We are left with A and C. We can ask A or C to
stand behind B(so we have 2 arrangements BAC and BCA)
let us ask C to stand first. We are left with B and A. We can ask A or B to
stand behind C (so we have 2 arrangements CAB and CBA)
I position |
A |
B |
C |
II position |
B |
C |
A |
B |
C |
A |
position |
C |
B |
C |
C |
B |
C |
In all we have 6(=3*2) ways
of arrangements: (ABC, ACB), (BAC, BCA), (CAB, CBA)
1.9.1 Example 2:
Let us take the case of 4 students A, B, C and D in the above example. How many
different Queues can you form?
1. With Queues of 2
2. With Queues of 3
How many arrangements can
you make in each of the case?
Working: Arrange
Queues of 2 students
I position |
A |
B |
C |
D |
II position |
B |
C |
D |
A |
B |
C |
D |
A |
B |
C |
D |
A |
Totally we have 12(=4*3) ways
of arrangements (AB, AC, AD),( BA, BC, BD),( CA, CB, CD),( DA, DB, DC Arrange
Queues of 3 students:
I position |
A |
B |
C |
D |
II position |
B |
C |
D |
A |
B |
C |
D |
A |
B |
C |
D |
A |
position |
C |
D |
B |
D |
C |
D |
B |
D |
C |
D |
B |
D |
C |
D |
B |
D |
C |
D |
B |
D |
C |
D |
B |
D |
We have:
6(=3*2) Queues with A in
the front (ABC, ABD, ACB ACD, ADB, ADC )
6 Queues with B in the
front (BAC, BAD, BCA, BCA, BDA, BDC)
6 Queues with C in the
front (CAB, CAD, CBA, CBD, CDA, CDB)
6 Queues with D in the
front (DAB, DAC, DBA, DBC, DCA, DCB)
Totally we have 24(=4*3*2)
ways arrangements
The number of arrangements
(‘permutations’) of ‘n’ things taken ‘r’ things at a time is denoted by nPr
Let us analyse
our workings:
Examples |
Total Number of students(n) |
Number of students in the row(r) |
Number of arrangements |
Notation |
Meaning |
1.1 |
3 |
2 |
6 |
3P2 |
of 3 objects taken 2 at a time |
1.2 |
3 |
3 |
6 |
3P3 |
of 3 objects taken 3 at a time |
2.1 |
4 |
2 |
12 |
4P2 |
of 4 objects taken 2 at a
time |
2.1 |
4 |
3 |
24 |
4P3 |
of 4objects taken 3 at a time |
Permutation is a way of
arranging objects in an orderly way.
Fundamental Principles of counting:
Assume that you and your
friend go to school together. Assume that there are 4 routes to go to your
friend’s house from your house and 3 routes from your friend’s house to the
school. Also, Assume that you have a pet dog ‘Jony’ which some times
follows you.
Find out how many different
routes, ‘Jony’ can
take to reach your house from the school, via your friend’s house?
Note: There are 4 routes to
reach your friend’s house from your house and there are 3 routes to reach
school from your friend’s house.
‘Jony’ can take any of the three routes
(A or
B or
from the school to reach your friends house. From your friend’ house it can
reach your house in four ways (1 or 2 or 3 or 4).
The following table lists
the different ways that ‘Jony’ can take to reach your house from the school via
your friend’s house.
No |
From School to friend’s house |
From friend’s house to your
house |
Route |
1 |
A |
1 |
A-1 |
2 |
2 |
A-2 |
3 |
3 |
A-3 |
4 |
4 |
A-4 |
5 |
B |
1 |
B-1 |
6 |
2 |
B-2 |
7 |
3 |
B-3 |
8 |
4 |
B-4 |
9 |
C |
1 |
C-1 |
10 |
2 |
C-2 |
11 |
3 |
C-3 |
12 |
4 |
C-4 |
‘Jony’ can chose
12(=3*4) ways of reaching your house from the school.
Similarly there are 12 (=4*3) ways of reaching
school from your house.
In summary, if an
activity can be done in ‘m’ ways and another activity is done in ’n’ ways then
the 2 activities together can be done in (m*n) ways.
To find the formula for number of arrangements (Permutations)
possible among ‘n’ things with ‘r’ things taken at a time.
Let us assume that we have
‘n’ number of objects and ‘r’ number of boxes.
Let boxes be numbered as 1,2,3,….(r-1),r.
Our task is to fill these
boxes by taking ‘r’ objects at a time from ‘n’ number of objects.
Box No. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
…… |
(r-1) |
r |
No of
ways |
n |
(n-1) |
(n-2) |
n-(r-2) |
n-(r-1) |
1. First box can be filled in n different ways.
2. Second box can be filled
in (n-1) different ways.
3. Third box can be filled in
(n-2) different ways.
r. r’th
box can be filled in
(n-r+1) different ways.
By fundamental principle, r
boxes can be filled in
This is the number of
permutations of ‘n’ things taken ‘r’ at a time and is denoted by nPr
nPr =
n*(n-1)*(n-2)*(n-3)…..(n-r+1) =======è(1)
By substituting r=n in the
above equation we get
= n*(n-1)*(n-2)*(n-3)…..(n-n+1)
= n*(n-1)*(n-2)*(n-3)…..*1
nPn =n!
Let us multiply and divide
RHS of equation (1) by the same term (n-r)*(n-r-1)*…..3*2*1 we get
= {n*(n-1)*(n-2)*(n-3)…..(n-r+1)*
= {
n!= 1*2*3……*n and (n-r)! =
Since nPr= ,
= n
= (Substitute r = (n-1) in nPr)
= n! (1!= 1)
n!= nPn
= n!/ nPr{ nPr=
n!/(n-r)! }
By substituting r=n in the
above equation we get
= n!/
= n!/n!
( nPn=
n! )
0! =1
We summarise the following:
n = n!/(n-1)! |
nPn =n! |
nP1 =n |
nP(n-1)= n!= nPn |
0! =1 |
1.9.2 Problem 1 :
In how many ways the letters of the word COMPUTER can
be arranged? How many of these begin with M?
Since the number of letters
in the word = 8, we can form 8!=40320 different words
of 8 letters.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Letters |
M |
from letters among C,O,P,U,T,E,R |
If M is fixed in the first
place then we are left with (n=7) letters to fill the other 7 places.
Then, the number of possibilities
are = 7! =5040 words
1.9.2 Problem 2:
How many 3 digit numbers can be formed using the digits2,3,4,5and
6 without repetitions? How many of these are even numbers?
We know nPr
= : It is given that n=5(2,3,4,5,6)
and r=3
Hundred |
Ten |
Unit |
From (2,3,4,5,6) |
Number of 3 digit numbers which can be
formed = 5P3 = =
Among these, even numbers
are those ending with 2,4 and 6(unit place is 2 or 4 or
Let us find out how many 3
digit numbers can be formed that ends with 2.
Hundred |
Ten |
Unit |
From (3,4,5,6) |
2 |
Even numbers:
Since the unit place is
already taken by 2,
we can only have 3, 4,5and 6 in hundredth and tenth places.
Since 2 will always be in
the units place, we only
need to find all the 2
digit numbers possible with 3,4,5 and 6(r=2).
The number of 2 digit
numbers that can be formed using (n=4) digits (3,4,5,6)
are =4P2= = 4*3 = 12
So with 2 in units place we
can have 12 3-digit numbers.
Similarly with 4 in units
place we can have 12 3-digit numbers.
Similarly with 6 in units
place we can have 12 3-digit numbers.
In all we can have 36(=12+12+12) even numbers.
1.9.2 Problem 3:
How many 3 digit numbers can be formed using 0,1,2,3?
Here n=4 and r=3.
The number of 3 digit
numbers that can be formed are 4P3 = = 4!=24
However, in case of 3 digit
numbers, a number starting with 0 can not be considered as a 3 digit number
(012 is not a 3 digit number but it is a 2 digit number).
Hence from the result we
need to subtract the number of 3-digit numbers starting with 0.
Let us find out the number
of 3-digit numbers starting with 0 .So we have n=3( 1,2,3)
and r=2
With 0 as the first digit,
number of 3-digit numbers we can make=3P2 = 3! =6.
Thus we can make 18(=24-6) 3-digit numbers from 0,1,2,3.
1.9.2 Problem 4:
In how many ways can 7 different books be arranged in a shelf? In how many ways
can we arrange three particular books so that they are always together?
Here n=7. So the number of
ways these books can be arranged is 7! = 5040.
Let the books be A,B,C,D,E,F,G.
It is said that three books need to be together. Let they be B, C and D. For easy
understanding we can tie these 3 books together and call this bundle as H. So we are left with A,H,E,F,G(5
objects). These can be arranged in 5!=120 ways.
Since H is bundle of 3
books (B,C,D). The books in the bundle H themselves
can be arranged in 3!=6
Thus we have 6*120=720
ways of arranging 7 books such that 3 books are always together.
1.9.3 Example 1 :
Let A , B and C be students of your class. A photographer was asked to take
photos such that:
1. Different combinations
of 2 students in one snap shot
2. Different combinations
of 3 students in a snap shot
How many shots does he need
to take?
Example 1.1: Photo
session for group of 2 students
It can be seen from the
example that,
the following arrangements are possible
I position |
A |
B |
C |
II position |
B |
C |
A |
B |
C |
A |
But for a photo session we
notice that AB = BA, BC = CB, and CA=AC.
Though there are 6
arrangements possible, we only have 3 unique combinations (AB, BC, CA).
Example 1.2: Photo
session for group of 3 students
It can be seen from the
example that, the following arrangements are possible
I position |
A |
B |
C |
II position |
B |
C |
A |
B |
C |
A |
III position |
C |
B |
C |
C |
B |
C |
But for a photo session all
the 6 combinations are same.
Though there are 6 arrangements
possible, there is only one unique combination (ABC).
1.9.3 Example 2:
Let A B C D be 4 students in your class . A
photographer was asked to take photos such that:
1. Different combinations
of 2 students in one snap shot
2. Different combinations
of 3 students in one snap shot
How many snap shots does he
need to take?
Example 2.1: It can be
seen from the example that, the following 12 arrangements are possible
I position |
A |
B |
C |
D |
II position |
B |
C |
D |
A |
C |
D |
A |
B |
D |
A |
B |
C |
Notice that for a photo
session AB=BA, AC=CA, AD=DA, BC=CB, BD=DB and CD=DC.
Though 12 arrangements are possible , we only
have 6(=3*2) unique combinations (AB, AC, AD, BC, BD, CD).
Example 2.2: It can be
seen from the example that, the following 24 arrangements
are possible
I position |
A |
B |
C |
D |
II position |
B |
C |
D |
A |
C |
D |
A |
B |
D |
A |
B |
C |
III position |
C |
D |
B |
D |
B |
C |
C |
D |
A |
D |
A |
C |
B |
D |
A |
D |
A |
B |
B |
C |
A |
C |
A |
B |
Note for a photo session
all same.
Though 24 combinations are
possible, there are only 4
unique combinations. (ABC, ABD, ACD, BCD)
The number of combinations
of ’n’ things taken ‘r’ things at a time is denoted by nCr
Let us analyse
our results
Examples |
Total Number of students(n) |
Number of students Per shot |
Number of combinations |
Notation |
1.1 |
3 |
2 |
3 |
3C2 |
1.2 |
3 |
3 |
1 |
3C3 |
2.1 |
4 |
2 |
6 |
4C2 |
2.2 |
4 |
3 |
4 |
4C3 |
Let us find the
relationship between permutations(1.9.1) and combinations(1.9.3) using
the examples 1 and 2 of Permutations and Combinations.
Examples |
Number of students(n) |
Number of students taken at a time(r) |
Number of Permutations nPr) (1.9.1) |
Number of Combinations(nCr) (1.9.3) |
nPr/nCr = |
1.1 |
3 |
2 |
6= 3P2 |
3=3C2 |
2=2! |
1.2 |
3 |
3 |
6= 3P3 |
1=3C3 |
6=3! |
2.1 |
4 |
2 |
12= 4P2 |
6=4C2 |
2=2! |
2.2 |
4 |
3 |
24= 4P3 |
4=4C3 |
6=3! |
We notice that nPr= nCr *
r! nCr =
Formula for number of combinations of ‘n’ things taken
‘r’ at a time:
In the example 2.1
discussed above we notice the following
(Permutations of ‘n’ things taken ‘r’ at a time)= (Selection (Combination) of ‘n’
things taken ‘r’ at a time)*(Arrangement of ‘r’ things)
nPr = nCr* rPr
1.9.3 Problem 1:
If nPr
= 336 and nCr=56 find n and r
We know nPr÷nCr
= r!
= 6=3*2*1=3!
Substitute r=3 in nCr= nPr÷r!
= {n! ÷ (n-r)} ÷r!
= {n*(n-1)*(n-2)*(n-3)! ÷
(n-3)! }÷3!
56 = n*(n-1)*(n-2) ÷6
I.e. 56*6 =336 =
n*(n-1)*(n-2) = 8*7*6
1.9.3 Problem 1:
A king has 8 different types of ornamental jars in his courtyard. Tell me the
number of different combinations in which theses can be arranged?
(Lilavati Shloka 116)
Total number of jars(n) =8
No |
of arrangement |
Nos |
1 |
No of
arrangements with 1 jar at a time |
8C1 |
2 |
No of arrangements with 2 jars at a time |
8C2 |
3 |
No of arrangements with 3 jars at a time |
8C3 |
4,5,6 |
------------------ |
7 |
No of arrangements with 7 jars at a time |
8C7 |
8 |
No of arrangements with 8 jars at a time |
8C8 |
Total number of
arrangements = 8C1+
+ . . . + 8C7
+ 8C8 =255 = 28-1
1.9.3 Problem 3 :
A Marriage bureau is in the business of identifying girls
for boys and boys for girls. They are having 5 girls and 4 boys in their
register looking for a match. In how many ways they can make proposals with 2
boys and 2 girls?
1. There are 4 boys. The
number of ways in which 2 boys can be grouped are 4C2=4*3*2!/2!*2!=6
2. There are 5 girls. The
number of ways in which 2 girls can be grouped are 5C2=5*4*3!/3!*2! = 10
For every group of 2 boys
selected out of 6 groups, we can match with every group of 2 girls selected out
of 10 groups.
Total number of
proposals possible = 6*10=60
1.9.3 Problem 4 : A team has 10 players. Only
six can fit into one photo frame. Manager has to be in each of the photo
session. A photographer was asked to give an estimate for all the different
combinations of photos. A photo with frame costs Rs.22. Find out the estimate
given by photographer to the Manager
Here n =10, r=5( manager has to be in every photo)
The number
of 5-member groups teams that can be formed from 10 members are
= 10C5
= 10!/5!*5!
= (10*9*8*7*6*5!)/(5!*5!)
= 10*9*8*7*6/120( 5! gets cancelled)
= 9*4*7 =252 photos
Total cost = 252*22= Rs.5, 544
1.9.3 Problem 5 :
Your school has one teacher for each of the subjects :
Mathematics, Social science, General Science, Moral science, English, Hindi,
Local Language, Physical Training. One of them is a headmaster.
(a) How many committees of
5 members can be formed?
(b) How many of them will
not have Headmaster in them?
Number of teachers (n) = 8
Number of teachers in the
committee (r) =5
Number of committees
that can be formed is
= 8C5=
8!/(8-5)!*5!= 8*7*6*5!/3!*5!= 8*7*6/6 = 56
If we are to have Headmaster in the committee,
then we are left with only 7 teachers for selection. In such a case
The number of teachers (n)
= 7.
Since headmaster is already
a member of the committee, we only need to form a committee of 4 members (r) =4.
Number of committees
with head master is
= 7C4= 7!/(7-4)!*4!= 7*6*5*4!/3!*4!= 7*6*5/6 = 35
No of committees without
headmaster = total number of committees – Number of committees with head master
= 56-35 =21
1.9.3 Problem 6 :
There are 20 non collinear points on a plane. How many (a) straight lines (b)
triangles can be formed by joining these points?
number of non collinear points (n=20) Since
straight line has 2 points (r=2), Total
number of straight lines that can be formed are = 20C2=
20!/(20-2)!*2!= 20*19*18!/18!*2! =
20*19/2 = 190 Since
triangles are formed with 3
points(r=3), Total
number of triangles that can be formed are = 20C3=
20!/(20-3)!*3!= 20*19*18*17!/17!*3! =
20*19*18/6 = 1140 |
1.9.3 Problem 6 :
In a hexagon how many triangles can be formed?
The number of vertices in a
hexagon (n)=6
The number of points
required for a triangle(r) =3
of triangles that can be formed in a hexagon are
= 6C3=
6!/(6-3)!*3!= 6*5*4*3!/3!*3!= 20
1.9.3 Problem 7: A country had selected a
team of 8 batsmen and 7 bowlers to play a cricket match in
If he chooses to have 5
bowlers then he can only have 6 batsmen out of 8.
If he chooses to have 6
bowlers then he can have 5 batsmen out of 8.
For every group of bowlers the
captain chooses, he has several choices of groups of batsmen and hence total
choice available for a particular option is product of these two choices.
Possibilities |
Total bowlers available =7 |
Total batsmen available =8 |
No of combinations |
1 |
5 (r=5) |
6 (r=6) |
=7C5*8C6 |
21*28=588 |
2 |
6 (r=6) |
5 (r=5) |
=7C6*8C5 |
56=392 |
The captain has a choice of 980(588+392)
1.9.3 Problem 8: Indian
parliament has selected 8 members to form a 5-member Social Welfare Committee.
The Health Minister and Women Welfare Ministers are among these 8 members. The
committee’s role is to give recommendations for improvement of Welfare of
Citizens. There is a rule that the committee should be headed by a Minister and
there can not be more than one minister in the same committee. Find out how
many committees can be formed as per the rule?
Since the committee has to
be headed by a minister, one of the ministers has to be in the committee. With
one minister being a member of committee and two ministers can not be in the
same committee,
Number of members available
for selection is (n=6)(=8-2)
Since one minister is
always in the committee, we need to select only 4 members for the committee
The no of ways
committee can be formed =6C4= 15
Summary of learning
Properties |
Permutations |
Combinations |
Meaning ====> |
of things in an orderly manner |
of different objects |
Example ====> |
many different words can be formed from the letters of the word ‘MATHS’ |
many 10 member hockey team be
formed from a list of 20 players |
Definition ====> |
No of ways
of arranging ‘n’ things taken ‘r’ things at a time |
No of
combinations of ‘n things taken ‘r’ things at a time |
Formula ====> |
nPr = n(n-1)(n-2)…(n-r+1)= |
nCr = nPr /r! |
Relationship ===> |
nPr= nCr * r! |